Warren Buffett’s Guide to Workplace Happiness: Find Passion, Optimism, and Alignment

Warren Buffett, in one of his most famous lectures at the University of Florida two decades ago, said that one of the best ways to find happiness on a long-term basis is to enjoy the work you do.

“The way to do it is to play out the game and do something you enjoy all your life. Be associated with people you like. I only work with people I like. If I could make $100 million with a guy who causes my stomach to churn, I’d say no.”

“I get to work in a job that I love, but I have always worked at a job that I loved. I loved it just as much when I thought it was a big deal to make $1,000. I urge you to work in a job that you love. I think you are out of your mind if you keep taking jobs that you don’t like because you think it will look good on your resume.”

While Buffett’s comment may seem easy for a billionaire to make, it is important to note that Buffett was already doing what he loves now long before he became successful.

Be in alignment with the things you care about

When you do what you love, you are aligned with what your passions are. You need to have the desire to make a change or make a difference; whether it is to your customer, your business, or the world at large.

Have a sense of belongingness

Happy work cultures foster a sense of belonging. A sense of belonging in the workplace matters; feeling like you’re part of a team and contributing something to that team matters.

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Do something that you’re good at

Know your strengths and weaknesses. Capitalize on your strengths and play with them, don’t take risks with things you aren’t familiar with so that you don’t end up wasting time trying to do things that you aren’t good at.


It’s good to be optimistic as long as you’re realistic about optimism too. Don’t just pretend everything is going to work out no matter what; be realistic about things, but at the same time work towards the greater good.

Set ambitious targets and don’t let obstacles get you down, tackle them slowly and remember to see the glass as half full and not half empty.

As Buffett says, motivation is key, being good at your work is important and having passion is also integral.

“You really should take a job that, if you were independently wealthy, would be the job that you would take. You will learn something, you will be excited about it, and you will jump out of bed. You can’t miss.”

Buffett once said, “I love every day. I mean, I tap dance in here and work with nothing but people I like. There is no job in the world that is more fun than running Berkshire, and I count myself lucky to be where I am.”

The post Warren Buffet tells you how to be happy at work appeared first on The Independent World News.