The video of a few Indian youths fighting in Serangoon Road is trending. The youths, some of them without a shirt on, were throwing punches at each other in the middle of the road causing traffic to come to a crawl.
KD Rooban who shared the video in his Facebook captioned it:
“Wishing all my tamil speaking counterparts a happy and joyous Tamil new year. Please watch the video below to get a glimpse on how we celebrate Tamil new year here in Singapore. I believe the person who took the video must have been a foreigner because she was panicking towards the end. This “way of celebrations” is normal for us here as you can clearly see that everyone else in the video are still going about their own ways. Erhum (mock cough) congratulations to those working hard on building up the Tamil language. Maybe next we could focus on cultural upbringing too? Please?
Reform is from within. You got to change your mindset first before you can change anything. If you can’t overcome your own mental barrier, you can’t achieve anything.:
Today is the Tamil New Year which follows the vernal equinox and generally falls on 14 April of the Gregorian year.
The person recording the video has also been criticised by some. She can be heard asking why is no one calling the the police to report the fight. Netizens pointed out that she was using her phone to capture the incident instead of to call the police.