It has only been less than a week since Donald Trump gained the presidency and he already is singing the blues.

For a man who built a colossal business empire and later went on, against all odds to win a presidency nobody thought he ever would, is sad and demoralized. Why?

For having once led a glamourous life in business and deal making, the transition to being surrounded by secret service agents and aides and daily memos and security briefings can amount to a culture shock of a political kind. He must be missing his good old days making deals and firing staff like what he did over The Apprentice – the reality TV show that catapulted him to fame.

There are not only protests across the US and across the world, the thing with all those sore losers in the U.S. is that they cannot seem to get it: Trump won the elections fair and square.

Was it his fault he got elected? Was it his fault he pitched all the right tones and said all the right things about the economy, tackling immigration and getting more bang for US security preparedness?

John F Kennedy who was basically a nine-to-five, wished if Nixon had won the election. As a matter of fact, Nixon was reported to have won except he did not do what George W Bush did in 2000 of challenging the results in a court of law. Maybe Kennedy missed being Kennedy. His exploits with all the women he saw was legendary which could have explained for his melancholy in the White House.

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And now according to the C Q magazine quoting The Washington Post’s leaked details from inside the first few official days of Donald Trump’s administration talks of an anecdote where Sean Spicer, Trump’s press spokesman, flatly lied about the size of Trump’s inauguration in stark and absurd language. Well, it turns out America wasn’t alone in thinking Spicer did a terrible job—Trump thought he blew it, too.

Many critics thought Spicer went too far and compromised his integrity. But in Trump’s mind, Spicer’s attack on the news media was not forceful enough.

Donald Trump thinks that the guy who angrily went out and scolded the press while yelling easily disproven lies was too reserved? What did he want Spicer to do?

Trump has been resentful, even furious, at what he views as the media’s failure to reflect the magnitude of his achievements, and he feels demoralized that the public’s perception of his presidency so far does not necessarily align with his own sense of accomplishment.
Speaking of ridiculous, the best part of the piece, from a purely comedic standpoint, is this nugget of gold about the location of Kellyanne Conway’s office:

One suggested that Conway’s office on the second floor of the West Wing, as opposed to one closer to the Oval Office, was a sign of her diminished standing. Though Conway took over the workspace previously occupied by Valerie Jarrett, who had been Obama’s closest adviser, the confidant dismissively predicted that Trump would rarely climb a flight of stairs.