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A transgender parent has said, in an inspiring video interview by, that she would have taken her secret to her grave had her daughter not consented to her living as a woman. is a new website aimed at empowering women.

In a video published on Friday (May 10), Fanny Ler — who was born a male — recounted that the boy that she was started cross-dressing when his sister gave him a dress to wear at the age of ten. Having felt “cool” when he had put on the dress, Fanny soon took an interest in wearing dresses but considered it just a “weird hobby” and tried to hide his feminine side from others.

At the age of 23, Fanny fell in love and got married to his daughter’s mother. Seven years later, the couple divorced due to a “personal reason” unconnected from transgender issues. Fanny soon became a single parent, caring for his daughter Evelyn and elderly mother.

Three years after the divorce, Fanny stumbled upon a question online about why guys like to cross-dress. Sharing that this question had “haunted” her for a number of years, Fanny did more research online and stumbled upon a local transgender website.

Fanny said: “I was so so happy because I finally know that there are people out there who are like me.”

Fanny then considered transitioning but knew that she couldn’t make such a decision without the understanding of her daughter, as she knew her decisions would have ramifications on Evelyn’s life.

“I can’t just do what I like. At the end of the day, it is back to the very important point which is my daughter. Whatever decision I make, it would more or less affect her and her future life,” said Fanny.

Unsure of how to broach the subject with Evelyn, Fanny shared her thoughts in a document she had saved to her computer and asked Evelyn to read it. Understanding her parent’s feelings, Evelyn responded that it is important that Fanny does what makes her happy.

Sharing that this news “never really felt out of place.”. Evelyn revealed that Fanny and her made a promise to each other after the divorce that “it’ll be us against the world and it will always be the two of us taking care of each other, especially after my grandma passes away.”

Fanny asserts: “I don’t want to lose my daughter. That’s the most important part, I don’t want to lose her. And, like, what I have promised her, if her answer is no, I will actually keep my own secret and bring it to my grave. That’s something I can hold onto — no matter how difficult my journey is going to be.”

Revealing that her mother’s transition solidified their bond, Evelyn said that the process showed her that her mother really respects her. Sharing that her mother has always put family first, Evelyn re-affirmed her love for her mother.

Netizens responding to the interview online found Fanny and Evelyn’s story to be inspiring. Some even said that the video brought tears to their eyes:

Watch the video here: