Singapore — Well, the shorts are red, after all. 

And maybe someone at Shopee believes that wearing the dri-fit shorts used for physical training at the Singapore Armed Forces Officer Cadet School (OCS) during the Lunar New Year celebrations could bring luck, happiness and prosperity?

But since Chinese New Year and OCS shorts don’t usually go together, we get why one TikToker was confused to see the shorts offered in Shopee’s CNY sale.


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TikToker Kai, who goes by @pale.nerves on the platform, asked. “y’all since when shopee and SAF got collab bro?”

Posting a screenshot of the ad for the “SAF Army OCS Cadet Maroon PT Dri-Fit Shorts,” Kai said he had been browsing the  online shopping site when he came upon the shorts in connection with next week’s big holiday.

The odd juxtaposition made him  wonder if Shopee and eMart were collaborating. To the uninitiated, eMart is where NSmen can buy gear online.

Or, as its site says in an extraordinarily long one-sentence description, “SAF.eMart is a revolutionary kit replacement system that allows servicemen to purchase their personal equipment and expendable items with their allocated credits via e-ordering with delivery services or walk-in purchase at Mt Faber/Chevron eMart outlet (access to eMarts residing in SAF camps may have security restrictions).”

Kai was puzzled because the screenshot of the ad for the red shorts he posted reads “Welcome CNY with Shopee’s 2.2 CNY sale.”

“I mean, I get that it’s red…but you gonna wear this to Pioneer, man?” Kai wondered aloud.

He also pointed out that not only do the shorts cost the low, low price of $10.90, but also, if you buy them you still get a 25-per-cent cashback.

“Shopee, please explain. I don’t know if this is a joke or if you’re all being serious,” he added.

Needless to say, Kai wasn’t the only one intrigued by this “shorts story”, and so we did some nosing around of our own.

We found this:


Same price, but with only a 12 per cent cashback on offer.

Interestingly, the ad says that while these shorts are “for OCS Cadets for PT exercises, made out of Drifit Polyester,” they can also “be worn by civilians” for other occasions, we assume, than CNY celebrations.

We are happy to report that buyers have awarded the shorts 4.9 out of 5 stars.

And if you’re truly interested in completing the outfit for Chinese New Year, you can buy the highly-rated matching singlet, which also sells for $10.90.


Read also: Gymnasty: Woman uses TikTok to accuse man of ogling her in gym, another gym user corrects her

Gymnasty: Woman uses TikTok to accuse man of ogling her in gym, another gym user corrects her

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