SINGAPORE: A social media post by a woman seeking a domestic helper to clean her house for a mere $10 has ignited a storm of criticism online. The controversial post has sparked a heated debate on fair wages for domestic help in the city-state.

The woman posted in the ‘Indians in Singapore’ Facebook group, saying: “I want a part time maid for 2 hours will pay 10 $ in sophia hills for 4 days in a week so please let me know.”

The woman’s request drew outrage from the online community, and netizens swiftly condemned her for the paltry pay she was offering.

Facebook user Pia Heikkila questioned the ethics of such an offer as she asked: “Would you work for that kind of money in Singapore…? It’s slave labour and lucky it’s illegal here.”

Another netizen, Louisa Thomas, chimed in, suggesting that the market rate for a 2-hour cleaning job should be significantly higher. She said, “For 2 hours, it should be $30… that’s the rate. You can go through a maid agency… $10 is too little… no one will work for 2 hours for just $10… and what about their transport money to and fro?”

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Some online users expressed even stronger disapproval, asking the woman to treat domestic helpers with dignity and fairness. Facebook user Kalai Kariyah firmly asserted, “Please don’t treat domestic helpers as cheap slaves. Treat with respect for their labor and give them the market rate salary.”

Another Facebook user, Afrin Akhter, drew from her own experience, saying, “Better to look for someone who wants to volunteer at your home at FOC. I used to have a part-time helper for $50 for 3 hours in 2014. Though used to finish work within 2 hours. Now you are looking for a $10 helper in 2023?”

A number of netizens called the woman’s request “seriously rude!” while others asked whether she was being serious. Some suggested that she may not know the market rate for cleaning services as she may be new to Singapore.

The comments got so heated that a moderator has since turned off the comments on the woman’s post.