SINGAPORE: A video has been circulating in Malaysia recently, and unfortunately, it’s not flattering to Singaporeans.

In the video, an occupant of a black Singapore-registered vehicle stopped at a traffic light somewhere in Malaysia is seen throwing an orange peel out the window.

A man in a white car in the lane next to it is then seen alighting, walking up to the black vehicle, before picking up the piece of orange peel and then handing it to the person in the front seat of the vehicle’s passenger side.

After that, he walks back to his own car.


Salut brother ni berani turun tegur orang buang sampah merata. Kita semua kena jadi berani & bertanggungjawab mcm ni. P/s: nasib baik bini abang pegang abang tadi, kalau tak ownner kereta tu dah makan kulit buah oren 🤬😝

♬ Lengchai Sudah Mari Ma – Zahrullail Maksom


The video was posted on the @afn.performance TikTok account on Sept 15 (Sunday).

It was captioned, in Malaysian, with, “Salute to this brother who dares to rebuke people who litter everywhere. We all have to be brave & responsible like this.”

The account owner added that it was lucky that the man was held back from more drastic actions by cooler heads; otherwise, he might have made the car owner “eat the orange peel.”

The Oriental Daily, which reported on the incident on Sept 16 (Monday), wrote that the incident is believed to have taken place at Klang Valley, Selangor, though it noted that the exact location was not specified in the video.

The man who returned the rubbish to the occupants of the Singapore-registered vehicle has been praised for his direct, firm, but non-aggressive actions.

Even some Singaporeans commenting on the incident commended the man for making the car’s occupants take responsibility for their littering.

The video was also shared on a Reddit Singapore thread, and some called the rubbish-throwing “embarrassing.”

“Smart enough to earn $130,000 for a car. Not smart enough to know that littering is bad,” a Reddit user chimed in.

“They did pay a certificate of entitlement… so they are certified entitled people,” another observed sardonically.

“Once they cross, they cross into Johor, and they think rules no longer apply to them,” a commenter added.

One said he “saluted the guy who schooled” the occupants of the Singapore-registered car, whom he said “thought they were being smart by littering in another country.”

He also called it “just pathetic behaviour.” Another could almost be seen shaking his head as he wrote, “They ‘respect’ the law in Sg but act like fools in less developed countries…” /TISG

Read also: “Singapore aunty kiasu power!” — Woman stops car with just her hand and body in Second Link traffic jam to allow her own car to cut in

See also  Netizens say Singapore is first-world country, but ATM outlet litterbugs don't reflect first-world citizens