Singapore – All Singapore households will get free hand sanitiser under a Bring Your Own Bottle (BYOBclean) initiative being launched by the Temasek Foundation.

On Thursday (March 12), the foundation uploaded photos of the volunteer orientation sessions for the initiative.

Volunteers from the People’s Association have been taking part in the briefing events to orient them with the collection process of the project and the safety measures being implemented to ensure successful distribution.

Based on the photos and description, the hand sanitiser solution is transferred from barrels to a measuring cup so that the right amount is poured into each bottle. Volunteers are taught to transfer the solution from the measuring cup via a funnel into to a bottle.

Photo: FB screengrab / Temasek

A label with instructions and warnings is pasted on the bottle as a safety measure.

Photo: FB screengrab / Temasek

It is the goal of the BYOBclean initiative to provide Singapore households with free sanitisers as a safety measure amid the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the Facebook post, which was also shared by Temasek Holdings CEO Ho Ching, the hand sanitisers would be made available in various community centres and participating CapitaLand malls.

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Trial runs were conducted at different locations in partnership with the Migrant Workers’ Centre for migrant workers and SBS Transit for the public transport community.
More details of the project will be announced in due course.

There was appreciation online of the foundation’s effort to make the hand sanitiser readily available to the public. One of them, Ms Joey Loraine Ng, suggested that it consider automating the project “since we are supposed to reduce large gatherings, and social distancing is also advised”.

“It isn’t too chim. Something like a soap dispenser. All you need is a pump and sensor,” she said. Ms Ng attached a video of students in Taiwan who created a hand sanitiser robot using Lego bricks.

Photo: FB screengrab / Temasek