Dr Lee Wei Ling has stated in another Facebook post that suppression of her views started soon after her father died. The suppression was centered around her views that Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s house at Oxley Road should be eventually demolished. She was not permitted to air this view to her readers.
Dr Lee published a note on 1 Apr in her Facebook asking Singaporeans not to hero-worship her father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. She said that Mr Lee himself would not have been a party to such hero-worship.
She later wrote in her Facebook that she was not going to write for the publications of Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) anymore because of censorship issues. The newspaper had apparently refused to publish her commentary uncensored.
The editors (both past and present) of The Straits Times (ST), a major publication of SPH, took issue with Dr Lee’s post and said that they had not censored her views, but were only editing her commentary.
Dr Lee further claimed that another intention of of those who wanted to fan the hero-worship of her father was “to keep the light of LKY continue to shine brightly on those who hope to be promoted by this association.”
It was reported in September last year that Dr Lee as well as her younger brother, Mr Lee Hsien Yang had filed a lawsuit with the government as the defendant, over an issue about the usage of some of their late father’s interviews.
The children of Mr Lee are seeking the High Court’s guidance on a “proper interpretation of an interview agreement between the late Mr Lee and the Government”, The Straits Times reported.
They had requested copies of transcripts of interviews that their father made in 1981 and 1982 to the Government’s Oral History Department. They claim that the transcripts were in possession of the Lee Kuan Yew Estate.
The Government however disagreed, saying that an interview agreement was entered in early 1983 which maintains that the Lee Kuan Yew Estate are not entitled to use and possess copies of the transcripts.
The Government of Singapore is now headed by the eldest son of Mr Lee Kuan Yew as its Prime Minister – Mr Lee Hsien Loong.