Ng Kok Song's "Super Wayang" Campaign Tactics Draw Mixed Reactions

SINGAPORE: Some of the actions of the oldest presidential candidate in the looming election, 75-year-old Ng Kok Song, have failed to land with Singaporeans online who have called the ex-GIC chief investment officer “super wayang” and “cringy”.

Mr Ng Kok Song’s first official campaign act, where he knelt down and kissed the floor of a void deck in Serangoon Crescent, has drawn eye-rolls from netizens. Mr. Ng Kok Song said he decided to kick off his campaign in this manner to pay homage to his roots as the void deck of Block 475A Upper Serangoon Crescent is where he believes his kampung home used to be.

He told the press, “This is the exact spot where I lived with my five brothers and five sisters and my parents in a hut with an attap roof, mud on the floor, and no modern sanitation…Just now, I was filled with emotion. I knelt down to kiss the ground where I was born, and where I grew up.”

While some Singaporeans saw Mr Ng’s act as a show of his humility, others were not so impressed. Redditor u/Big-Still6880 said, “Cringe-worthy performance,” while u/singapore NFT said, “a bit cringe ah pls control.” u/planet-x1 added, “super wayang.”

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u/puzzleheaded-stable questioned: “If you are going to wayang, at least show some respect for the intelligence of the Public. Who would fall for this over-the-top pandering?”

Some said that Mr. Kok Song’s actions turned them off voting for him. u/Book3pper said, “I had considered voting for him but after this, it’s just so difficult to do so. Do these guys not have PR teams or understand what to do or not to do to endear them to voters?

“It would have been heartwarming for him to have a video discussing about how this used to be his kampong etc. and how he appreciated living there. Instead, he kissed an HDB block LMAO. It’s not like his kampong is still there.”

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