The Russian beauty queen once married to the former King of Malaysia has challenged the latter to take a DNA test after he claimed their son is not his.

Sultan Muhammad V recently divorced Rihana Oksana Veovodina in accordance with Muslim rites. The Russian model embraced Islam to marry the Sultan.

The Sultan claimed he has divorced her and has since ‘disinherited’ their two-month-old son Leon because he doubts the baby is his.

Friends of the former Miss Moscow say the Sultan can take a DNA test to find out if the baby is his, adding that the father and son share one face.

They insist the marriage is still valid report the Daily Mail.

The UK based paper says the Russian model’s friends and family are furious about suggestions someone else fathered the child.

They are waiting for a public apology from the Sultan, the paper says.

‘If Oksana had ever shown the face of a child, no one would have any doubts, because father and son share one face,’ a friend of the Russian model is quoted as saying.

See also  Did the Sultan of Kelantan divorce his Russian wife because the baby is not his?

Sultan Muhammad V dramatically gave up his throne in January amid growing pressure over his relationship with the Russian beauty queen.

A lawyer to the Sultan based in Singapore made a statement there was ‘no objective evidence as yet as to the biological father of the child’.

The Daily Mail says Oksana’s lawyer in Moscow, Evgeny Tarlo told MailOnline the fatherhood claims were ‘lies’ and a ‘vulgar stupidity’.

The former senator challenged the Singapore lawyer to prove he was acting for the ex-king saying he did not know who Mr Koh Tien Hua is and who gave him the right to comment on Rihana’s personal life. -/TISG