$16 economic rice at MBS food court shocks netizens

SINGAPORE: A photo of a simple 1-meat, 1-veg, 1-egg meal is going viral online after a netizen revealed that the economic rice dish cost a whopping S$16, at the Rasapura Masters food court at Marina Bay Sands.
Reddit user u/lI0987654321 revealed online that he roamed around the food court before opting to dine at the economic rice stall “thinking it’s the least expensive there.” He ordered rice with steamed egg with minced meat, beans with three slices of squid, and a portion of chilli pork.
Billionaire Warren Buffett still lives in the same $31,500 house he bought 60 years ago

Well-known for his frugal ways, Warren Buffett still lives in the same home he purchased 65 years ago.
At 92, Buffett stays at a modest five-bedroom home in Central Omaha, Nebraska. He bought the house for $31,500 way back in 1958. By today’s standards, he would be buying it at $329,505.
Maid worried because her employer transferred her to an agency online one week ago, but there’s still no response

SINGAPORE: Sharing a hypothetical situation, a maid wrote that her employer sent their consent online to transfer her to a specific agency but had not heard back even after a week.
In an anonymous post to Facebook page FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), the maid wrote: “What if my employer sent a consent to transfer online to a specific agency and after a week there’s no progress to the application”. She asked if the helper would then be able to transfer to another agency or even be directly hired by another employer.
Father seeks compensation from authorities after teen breaks ankle near Yishun bus stop

SINGAPORE: The father of a Singaporean teenager is seeking explanations and compensation from the authorities after his daughter broke her ankle when she stepped into a gap near a construction site that is right beside a Yishun bus stop.
The teenager, 19-year-old student Huang Jia Min, now needs surgery and a period of about five months to be able to walk normally. Aside from forcing her to miss her polytechnic graduation next month, the long rehabilitation period has also scuttled some of her future plans to apply to universities and go for interviews.
Elderly couple and daughter jailed for burning maid with hot coffee and iron

SINGAPORE: A 24-year-old man in line to receive a promotion at work wondered if he should stay or quit because he hated working with his boss.
In an anonymous post to Facebook page SGWhispers, the man wrote that he had been working in the company for over a year. “If I get promoted, it will be a different job role compared to the role I applied initially (which I’m not sure if I will like it) Not to mention, there will be higher expectations”, he added.