SINGAPORE: A recent study conducted by Jumio has uncovered a widespread concern among consumers in Singapore regarding the looming threat of deepfake technology.

The findings reveal that a staggering eight out of every ten consumers in the country harbor daily worries about falling victim to deceptive deepfake manipulations, fearing the potential loss of sensitive information or monetary assets.

This pervasive anxiety can be attributed, in part, to the unsettling realization that a significant portion of the population knows someone who has already been ensnared by the deceptive machinations of deepfake technology.

According to Jumio’s data, Singapore stands at the forefront, with 51% of consumers reporting personal connections to individuals who have fallen prey to deepfake scams.

Despite the palpable apprehension surrounding the proliferation of deepfake technology, the study also yielded a somewhat surprising revelation: only a mere 7% of Singaporeans claim to have encountered a deepfake video, audio, or image firsthand.

This seemingly incongruous statistic underscores the paradoxical nature of the deepfake dilemma, wherein widespread concern far outweighs actual exposure to the technology’s deceptive manifestations.

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Nevertheless, amidst the prevailing unease, there exists a notable sense of confidence among the populace regarding their ability to discern authentic content from its artificially manipulated counterparts. An overwhelming majority of 77% of Singaporeans express confidence in their capacity to identify deepfake content should they encounter it.

The study also sheds light on the prevailing sentiment of trust towards the government’s efficacy in regulating artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, including deepfake algorithms.

A significant majority, comprising 69% of respondents, expressed faith in the government’s ability to effectively navigate the regulatory landscape and mitigate the risks posed by AI-driven innovations.