Minutes after popular YouTuber Nuseir Yassin, or Nas Daily, criticized Singaporeans for being entitled “crybabies”, netizens have shot back, retorting that he hardly portrayed an accurate representation of the nation. Many even called for him to be banned from Singapore.
The e-war between Nas Daily and netizens started when Facebook page ‘The Alternative View’ asked Nuseir to experience Singapore like the majority of its citizens.
“Nuseir Yassin professes to be an authority on S’pore after spending only a few days here.
They said, “Now since he is so effusive in his praise of the country and Lee Hsien Loong, we invite him to walk the talk and take up citizenship.
But wait, don’t stay in a posh condo in town. Be like the majority of us:
1. Buy a resale HDB flat but with half the lease left.
2. Serve the full 2.5 years of National Service (not 2 years please) and no clerical jobs too.
3. Contribute the full 37% of his salary to CPF.
4. Visit only polyclinics and government hospitals (C class wards only please – provided he can wait up to 5-7 hours).
5. Take the MRT train every morning and evening during peak hours.”
In response, Nuseir insinuated that Singaporeans were entitled by saying, “Why doesn’t everyone here try to live in the Middle East for a little bit?”
He continued saying, “I’ll happily take your air conditioned public transportation over living in the Middle East”.
Nuseir also added, “One thing my travels have taught me is that a lot of people lack PERSPECTIVE. And in Singapore, too many people lack it”.
Nuseir even seemed to brush aside Singapore citizenship.
Many Singaporeans flooded social media websites with angry comments.