SINGAPORE: Are morning showers necessary even if you took one the night before and slept in an air-conditioned room? A Reddit user appears to think so, given that he has a colleague who smells unpleasant. The smelly colleague, who does not shower in the morning, argues: “for what shower, going to sweat again in the afternoon what?”

U/AckermanFin wrote on Wednesday night (May 3), “It’s insanely humid in Singapore recently, and temperatures are rising. We also tend to sweat more during such seasons. But even this humidity isn’t deterring some from not taking showers in the morning.”

Even in the early morning, “some already smell like moist socks, I can only imagine how they’d smell like when the afternoon sun hits them at 12pm.”

The netizen himself takes two to three showers daily and still feels like this is not enough.

However, his colleague, who does not go for a morning shower, says he can’t smell himself. But the post author says everyone else in the office gets the smell.

PSA people, we can all smell you and that bedhead pillow mustiness even tho you claim you can’t. What about you guys? Do you guys shower? Or you have that friend who is a firm believer that morning showers are redundant.

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The question sparked a fight in the comments thread between the morning showerers and the non-showerers.

“i dont! brush teeth and wash face only.. sleep in aircon at 20 degrees everynight so its kinda freezing…dont sweat,” wrote one.

“Come on, to those who shower, you do you. I’d rather sleep in because I am already exhausted enough. Every second counts. It’s not as if not showering in a morning is equivalent to coming out of garbage dum(p). Stop freaking out,” agreed another.

One commenter said he was fully in the morning-showerer camp.

Another wrote that it wakes him up in the morning.

A much-upvoted comment simply reads, “No.”

But another one reads, “Yes. I can’t imagine not showering before going to work.”


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