SINGAPORE — Migrant workers at Tuas South Dormitory were treated to a pole-dancing show during their Chinese New Year festivities. The TikTok video on Jan 21 featured a scantily-clad woman on a makeshift stage with a pole.

She danced and twirled around the pole to Michael Bublé’s “Feeling Good” while the men watching her cheered and recorded the show on their phones. At one point, the woman stretched out her leg in the audience’s direction, eliciting whoops of delight.

Meanwhile, one man in front of the camera gave a quick facepalm at what he had just witnessed.

Photo: TikTok screengrab

The red backdrop indicated the event was for Chinese New Year celebrations, while the orange pillar helped to identify the interior of Tuas South Dormitory.

The video went viral on TikTok with over 94,000 views to date. It also sparked criticisms from netizens who asked, “what kind of a CNY event” had pole dancing involved?

“Don’t disgrace CNY event, please,” commented TikTok user @stars.

Another TikTok user shook her head at the event organiser for including pole dancing in the programme.

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In the Singapore subreddit, the video garnered mixed responses among netizens. Some said the pole dancing “boosted morale.”

Reddit user helzinki was reminded of a similar incident in Malaysia during a karate seminar he attended.

“We got guys from all around the region practising together with the grandmaster from Japan. Then on the last night, we had a big dinner, and the Malaysian organiser got a dance troupe to do some dance for the dinner entertainment. The dance troupe started doing some sexy dance routine,” he shared.

“Me and the other Singapore guys were looking at each other, going ‘, what the f**k is going on?’ I looked at the Japanese grandmaster; he looked uncomfortable,” he noted.

The incident also reminded netizens of a woman in lingerie dirty danced at a veteran’s home, even letting one of the seniors grope her chest. /TISG

Woman in lingerie allows elderly man to grope her chest while she dirty dances in veterans’ home