SINGAPORE: Despite online campaigns and warnings against manspreading, it appears that this disrespectful behaviour is still prevalent today, according to one Singaporean on Reddit.

On Monday (May 13), the Singaporean posted on r/askSingapore, questioning why “some people still manspread on public transport.”

“I can understand if it’s slight but sometimes its so obvious that you’re encroaching into someone else’s personal space no?” she added.  “How is it even comfortable? Bro’s actually almost doing a front split atp.”

The Singaporean also mentioned wanting to attach a photo they took to support their claims but realized that attachments were no longer allowed in the subreddit.

“I need to manspread because its actually uncomfy for me.”

In the comments section on Reddit, there’s a discussion about why men tend to sit with their legs spread apart. Some stated that they simply find it more comfortable that way, especially in cramped spaces like the MRT, where seats are often small. 

Another perspective shared was that larger thigh sizes might make it physically strenuous to keep their legs tightly packed, leading to unintentional spreading. 

Additionally, one Redditor mentioned, “I need to manspread because its actually uncomfy for me. Honestly, most of the time, I don’t realise it and will intentionally encroach.”

However, other Redditors expressed their displeasure with such behaviour, believing everyone should always be mindful of the passengers next to them. Some even shared strategies they use when encountering MRT passengers who ‘manspread.’

For instance, one person mentioned using their handbag to passively push the man’s legs back into their seat space, while another suggested asserting dominance by spreading their own legs towards the man.

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One Redditor added, “Otherwise, cross your legs like the coffee shop uncle, then bend your knee a bit more so your foot is slightly in front of them, bonus points if you have smelly feet.”

Manspreading in Singapore

Manspreading is a long-standing issue in Singapore. 

These behaviours have been observed on the MRT on numerous occasions, and some people who want to change this have taken photos of the incidents and reported them online in the hopes that by drawing attention—particularly to men—they will be more aware of their actions and how uncomfortable they make others feel.

In 2018, Mothership reported on a case in which a woman believed she was being harassed by a man who pretended to sleep while spreading his legs. 

According to her, he intentionally “edged closer and leaned on her,” forcing her to use only half of her seat to avoid physical contact. She also alleged that the man changed seats several times to sit next to a young lady and repeated this behaviour.

In November 2023, a Stomper named Nasir called out people who spread their legs while commuting. The stomper recorded three incidents, two of which occurred on the MRT and one on a bus.

“Commuters are getting more nuisance these days,” Nasir said.

Read related: Public transport etiquette fail: Uncle hangs on bus pole, Aunty watches video loudly, and Bro sits with his feet up

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