Originally to be heard at the Magistrates’ Court, the wage dispute claims case between SBS Transit and the five bus drivers will now be heard and settled at the Industrial Arbitration Court (IAC) which controls and directs industrial practices and mediates on industrial clashes.

In a statement on Friday (Oct 18), SBST said that it was referring these claims to the IAC as the case bring to the fore matters that rise from and touch collective agreements that SBST entered into with the National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU).

“Therefore, in accordance with the law, in the interests of all of SBST’s bus captains and in keeping with the letter and spirit of its excellent relationship with the NTWU, SBST will be referring these issues to the IAC for its decision,” the company said.

Last month, five bus drivers filed a case against their employer SBST, asserting that the company paid them below the Ministry of Manpower’s prearranged rate for overtime work, and that their working hour records do not match the monthly pay slips that they have been given.

See also  MOM responds, says SBS Transit drivers can seek help from dispute management office

This was based on court documents filed by their lawyer M. Ravi of Carson Law Chambers.

The writ of summons was served on SBST on Sept 23, Mr Ravi told The Straits Times.

The drivers have made claims in the Magistrates’ Court which raise questions about prescribed rest days and overtime, SBST said in its statement on Friday.

“SBST, which prides itself as a law-abiding and responsible employer with strong labour relations with its employees and the NTWU, has acted in accordance with its obligations in law and under the relevant agreements and practices,” the company said.
