We know prices have shot up over the past year, but the Ryde prices one customer saw left her pretty flabbergasted.

Netizens who saw a screenshot of the rates quoted for a ride from Woodlands to HarbourFront also expressed surprise at the exorbitant rates the customer had seen on Monday (Sept 26) at around 2:43 am.

The screenshot that Ms Sri, the customer, sent to crowdsourced news site Stomp showed that the lowest price was between $103 to $140 for a metered RydeTaxi ride.

Shockingly, a shared RydePool ride was quoted at $143.70, which included the ERP.

A trip via RydeFlash, considered the “economy” option, would cost $146.60, while a RydeX would set Ms Sri back $166.10, with tolls applying in both cases.

The higher-end options included the 6-seater RydeXL ($247) and the pet-friendly RydePet ($277.60), with tolls applied.

And for a premium six-seater RydeLUXE trip, the price quoted was a staggering $316.20, with tolls applying.

Yes, you read that right, $316.20 for one ride.

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“I was surprised to see the prices shown… why so expensive??!!” Ms Sri, who was able to get a Grab ride for $42 which includes Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) charges, told Stomp.

TISG has reached out to Ryde to request a comment from the ride-hailing service.

Commenters on the Stomp Facebook page were also surprised at the high rates, with one asking, “Are you sure this is by car, not an airplane??”

One said the ride must have come with some pretty nice perks.

Others joked that the ride could have brought her to Malaysia, Vietnam, or even Afghanistan at the prices quoted.

One said that the high prices quoted may have been a mistake.

Another guessed that the prices could be due to the fact that it’s Formula 1 week.

One netizen commented that even the price Ms Sri paid was too high.


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