The Russian beauty queen who became a Malaysian princess after tying the knot with Sultan Muhammad V last year fled from her home in Moscow after claims surfaced that her son’s life was in danger.

The mother of the six-month-old boy is in a battle for alimony against the father who said the boy was not fathered by him.

Rihana Oksana Voevodina, the Russian beauty queen, has gone public asking for the Sultan to carry out a DNA test to find out if the baby is his.

She insists the baby was fathered by the Malaysian Sultan from the state of Kelantan.

She started a lawsuit to establish the said paternity of the child and is adamant about her alimony claims. But according to an unknown woman the child’s life is in danger.

She received a warning that there were people who are “very interested in this child”, according to a British newspaper.

The Daily Mail says Russian police are investigating the ‘threat to the life’ of the baby.

Voevodina, who won Miss Moscow in 2015, has called for ‘state protection’ for the boy, Ismail Leon who is in ‘mortal danger’.

She also said she moved from her home in the Russian capital to another city because of fear for baby’s life.

See also  Russian beauty queen, wife of newly-abdicated King of Malaysia, reportedly pregnant

She said she was told to withdraw a lawsuit to establish the paternity of the child, stop her alimony claims and refrain from speaking to the media if she wanted to prevent her son from harm.

The Daily Mail also said the ‘friend’ was told by the “unknown woman” that: “She (Oksana) has many secret enemies.”

The friend recorded the 40-minute conversation in which she was warned that: “Oksana should think hard about what she is doing. She needs to gain some time, the boy’s life now depends on it. There are people who are very interested in this child, and he is so small and not protected…I have information that he is in danger, and the situation is escalating…”

The beauty queen said she does not know who is behind the threats. She hinted the meeting took place in the same building where the sultan’s Russian lawyers have an office.

The Daily Mail also reported that the Kelantan palace declined to comment as the matter was unrelated to the palace. -/TISG