Facebook user Ho Chin Sheng Kenrick on 19 Oct shared that he received a threatening message from a man who identified himself as Mr Lam, a policeman, and asked the user to transfer $10,000 to a bank account. The message threatened the user that he will get into trouble and be arrested by the Police if he did not do so.
After the post went viral, the real Mr Lam contacted Kenrick and told him that the name and address in Kenrick’s post were his but that he did not send the message, and that the phone number and bank details were not his as well.
“I suspect that somebody found his info at letterbox area,” said Kenrick and advised Mr Lam to lodge a Police report. Mr Lam took the advise and lodged a complaint subsequently.
One person who who responded to Kenrick’s post said that he too received similar messages from the same phone number.
Kenrick said that the public should be educated of such scams so that they do not transfer any money to these criminals. Anyone who receives such messages should contact the Police immediately.