In closing the 2-day parliamentary debate on the Oxley Road feud, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong teared up as he recalled his father’s wish for him to take care of his siblings in his place.
He added that he did not expect tensions between the siblings to enfold so explosively and said that he hopes he can reconcile with them in the future:
“When I was about 13, my father had told me, ‘If anything happens to me, please take care of you mother, your younger sister and brother.’
“Singapore was then part of Malaysia and we were in a fierce fight with the central government and the communalists. My father didn’t tell me but he knew his life was in danger.
“Fortunately, nothing happened to my father then. He brought up the family and I thought we had a happy family and he lived a long, full life.
“Little did I expect that after my parents died, these tensions would erupt with such grievous consequences – and after so many years, I will be unable to fulfill the role which my father hoped I would.
“So I hope, one day, these passions will subside and we can begin to reconcile.”