
Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong released a blooper reel of his National Day Rally trailer on his Facebook page earlier today. In it, he can be seen flubbing his lines as he walks towards a moving camera – the first time he’s reportedly been asked to walk and talk on camera at the same time.

NDR Trailer Blooper

Last week, I tried something new. For my trailer for the National Day Rally (http://bit.ly/2ipJgF3), I had to walk and talk at the same time. TV personalities (especially David Attenborough!) make it look easy, but it is harder than you think. I am not quite Wonder Woman (http://bit.ly/2v5jgEK) but after a few tries, I finally got a “clean take”. My team caught my bloopers on video, and put this clip together. Have fun on a #throwbackthursday. 🙂 – LHL (PMO Video by Alex Qiu and Chiez How)

Posted by Lee Hsien Loong on Wednesday, 23 August 2017


On his page, the head of government said:

“Last week, I tried something new. For my trailer for the National Day Rally (http://bit.ly/2ipJgF3), I had to walk and talk at the same time. TV personalities (especially David Attenborough!) make it look easy, but it is harder than you think. I am not quite Wonder Woman —

Wait, what? Out of thousands of superheroes to pick from, did PM Lee really compare himself to Wonder Woman of DC Comics?

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Before you make any judgment calls, PM Lee was actually referring to 70-year-old Ms Zhang who delivers food to workers for a living. Ms Zhang said in a video interview by Channel 8 that her customers refer to her as ‘Wonder Woman.’

In the same video, she can be seen walking towards the camera while speaking – this is what the the head of government was referring to and trying to emulate.

打造智慧国总理说智慧国就是通过现代科技让全体人民,无论老少,都能受惠。在市区工作的人,可能有注意到一位充满活力的大姐,经常穿街走巷,忙着为上班的人递送食物的张玉兰女士。尽管已经70岁了,张女士擅长运用资讯科技, 使工作更顺利。顾客都很欣赏她,都称她为神奇女侠 (Wonder Woman)。以下是张女士最近接受电视访问的视频。除此之外,打造智慧国的另一个目标是通过现代科技改善年长者的日常生活。建屋局目前在一些年长者的住家试验感应系统,为独居老人在家中受伤或身体不适时提供及时的援助。新加坡具备实现智慧国愿景的条件。我国互联网的覆盖面广,速度也良好。我国向来也注重数理和工程方面的教育,培养了不少科技人才。总理去年到美国三藩市访问时,遇到不少在那里从事资讯科技工作的新加坡人。总理和他们分享了新加坡的智慧国策略,也邀请他们回到新加坡帮助实现这个愿景。其中一位是郑彬彬女士, 不久前她动了回家的念头,回国多陪伴和照顾年长的母亲。她发现,在新加坡也有许多年长者需要他人照顾。于是,郑女士就和合伙人创办了一家名为《家恩》(Homage) 的公司,通过网站和app,为需要看护的年长者和提供这种服务的人配对起来。家恩之所以成功,是因为它利用科技,把供求双方配对起来。总理希望我国的企业和政府部门向这间公司看齐,结合科技和服务,提高生活素质,使更多人受益。#ndrsg(Channel 8 Video)

Posted by Lee Hsien Loong on Sunday, 20 August 2017


5.5 thousand people liked the PM’s blooper reel on Facebook while younger users over at Instagram called the head of government “cute”:

This was our favourite exchange in the comments section online though: