GHUI WRITES: Grave injustices the result of govt's lack of accountability
By: Ghui In my opinion, all the headline grabbing incidences that have arisen in the…
By: Ghui In my opinion, all the headline grabbing incidences that have arisen in the…
An underwear thief in the Bukit Panjang area has been caught on tape. Ms Koh…
Jesús Estrada, a student of Libra Academy in Huntington Park, California (USA), is planning on visiting…
Paul Tan shared a hospitalisation bill on Facebook where the patient was charged $122.43 for being…
历史回忆录《生活在欺瞒的年代》发布会 作者傅树介医生的讲话 2016年2月13日 主持人、同志们、朋友们: 首先我要感谢大家拨冗出席我所写的《生活在欺瞒的年代》的新书发布,这是一部历史回忆录。 当8号功能(Function8)受托承办这次发布会的时候,他们万万没有想到租用场址的过程竟会如此困难重重、一波三折。他们先是选定位于欧南区的医科校友会礼堂(Medical Alumni Auditorium), 我毕竟是个医生,又是毕业于本地大学,论资历算是医科校友会的“校友”;况且, 我的第一本书《华惹时代风云》还是于2009年在该礼堂发布的。令人纳闷的是,自那一年以来,到底发生了什么变化?为何医科校友会竟会如此缺乏礼仪地对待校友会的一名校友? 后来,筹备负责人找上新加坡医药协会(Singapore Medical Association)求助;该协会是一个维护新加坡医生专业及道德利益的独立组织,协会的几位会员给予大力支持,还出面以自己的名字申请,让我们使用该礼堂。但礼堂的拥有者是医科校友会,它最终拒绝了我们的申请。我想乘这机会,对新加坡医药协会的通力支持,表示万分的感激。 值得一提是,我还是新加坡医药协会的创始人之一,也是第一任秘书长。请允许我借这机会向医药协会的创始会长斯里瓦桑(B R…
The following is the transcript of the Speech of Dr Poh Soo Kai delivered at…
What do you do when you see an overturned lorry on an expressway which is…
Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, what do you do to escape the cycle…
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong who is on a working visit to California has received…
In July last year Minister for Social and Family Development, Tan Chuan-Jin, shared several pictures…