Singapore — Samsung aired an ad that featured a Muslim mum who expressed support for her drag queen son, but then in a true blink-and-you’ll-miss-it fashion, it was taken down pretty quickly due to alleged backlash from conservative groups.

Commenters online have called out Samsung for removing the ad. However, with the internet being the animal that it is, what gets put up, stays up.

Sharp-eyed netizens were able to screenshot at least portions of the ad for Galaxy earbuds, which is part of the tech giant’s “Listen to your heart” series.

Other examples from the series can be seen here and here.

Nevertheless, despite its extremely short airtime, comments were already posted against it, accusing the ad of promoting LGBT “ideology.”

Samsung issued an apology, although it did not refer specifically to the ad.

The company acknowledged feedback from the ad, which it said “may be perceived as insensitive and offensive to some members of our local community. We acknowledge that we have fallen short in this instance, and have since removed the content from all public platforms.”

The apology was run on the Facebook page of Samsung Singapore on Thursday (Jan 19).

The company, however, set limits on who could comment on the post, which meant that backlash to the takedown of the ad could not be added.

However, netizens had a lot to say on other social media pages.

Here’s what they had to say on Twitter.

On the Wake Up, Singapore, Facebook page, commenters were also very vocal.


Read also: LGBT in Singapore — Targeting the invisible shackles that bind the community

LGBT in Singapore — Targeting the invisible shackles that bind the community