Singapore – Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan Jin, shared an “apt” Avengers meme depicting Singapore’s response to Covid-19 which was widely accepted by the online community, with many thanking him for the much-needed humour.
On Friday (March 27), Mr Tan took to Facebook to share the following meme:

He captioned it with, “Not sure who came up with this. But how apt! #SGUnited indeed! ???”
Since the pandemic began, there has been an increase in Covid-19-related memes and parodies, which psychology explained is a human coping mechanism.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) released a statement on March 6, highlighting the importance of mental health amid the stress caused by the crisis. “Avoid watching, reading or listening to news that cause you to feel anxious or distressed,” said the WHO. “Using the strategies that you have used in the past to manage times of stress can benefit you now,” the WHO added.
Therefore, the relatable and humorous memes, videos, songs and parodies that have emerged since the pandemic began have been welcomed by the online community.
The Avengers meme, for example, where Covid-19 is symbolized by the supervillain Thanos about to snap his fingers during the movie’s iconic scene, depicts a situation where it seems all hope is lost. But then, the cavalry arrives; in this case, a call for Singaporeans to unite.

“To the unsung heroes out there – every one of you are Singapore’s Super Heroes!” said Kimmie Lim in response to the meme.

Many thanked Mr Tan for sharing some humour to start the day. Eline Goh commented on the importance of unity and what it has done for Singapore in the past.

Meanwhile, a few netizens took the time to remind everyone not to take the bottom photo seriously and physically unite, given the urgent need for safe distancing.
More memes below:
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