SINGAPORE: After a survey showed the vast majority of respondents prefer to continue living with their parents instead of moving out and being on their own, many commenters online were unsurprised, given the high living costs in Singapore.

According to a March 26 (Wednesday) report in Mustshare News, 96 per cent of the 3,019 people who participated in an online poll would rather stay with their parents than strike  out on their own.

The report cited young people as saying that it would not be feasible to live independently at the moment, preferring to wait until they have a partner and are financially capable, even if it means forgoing a degree of freedom as they continue to abide by their parents’ rules regarding curfews and chores.

A significant factor in young people in Singapore choosing to continue to stay with their parents even after they reach adulthood, finish their studies, and enter the workforce may well be the city-state’s staggering property prices.

High living costs are also the top barrier to having children for 70 per cent of the 230 participants between the ages of 18 and 30, according to a study conducted by Nanyang Technological University and Research Network last May.

In world rankings for the most expensive cities to live in, Singapore has consistently placed in the top five, or at least the top 10. The city-state is widely considered to outrank its  Southeast Asian neighbours by far when it comes to living costs.

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A number of netizens commenting on the report in Mustshare News were not surprised at the survey’s results.

“SG is crazy expensive to do anything… plan well for your future. That’s all I can say,” wrote one.

One called the 96 per cent “wise” and, referring to the upcoming General Election, added: “If they are courageous to vote in more opposition so that day to day issues like high cost of living, GST hikes and rising properties are more widely debated and explored for better solution, it is indeed a wise generation.”

Another had a more negative take, writing, “Our youths really have a bleak future. Low pay & prospects, everything expensive. So many would be left behind.”

For one woman, however, continuing to live with one’s parents is “okay” as it would cause young people to “learn some responsibility, feel the pinch by chipping in for utilities and household expenses first”./TISG

Read also: New NTU study shows 70% of SG youths say high cost of living is biggest barrier to having kids