Customer & hawker gets scalded after hawker refuses to sell fish soup with 2 bowls of rice, both end up in hot soup, literally

SINGAPORE — A 64-year-old customer, Mr Hong, requested two bowls of rice with his order of fish soup from a hawker stall at Kukoh 21 Food Centre in Block 1 Jalan Kukoh between Havelock Road and Chin Swee Road. A female stall staff said they only served one bowl of rice per bowl of soup.
The information angered Mr Hong, and he grabbed a tray with a bowl of fish soup that belonged to another customer. Seeing what was about to happen, the female staff grabbed the tray, and the two began a tug-of-war match. It was only logical that moving a bowl of hot soup back and forth would result in hot liquid splashing out. The two were scalded by the soup and suffered from blisters.
Audi swerves recklessly along PIE, hits motorcyclist & pillion, causing riders to be thrown off & tumble on the road

SINGAPORE — A rider and her pillion were caught on camera being thrown off the motorcycle and onto the expressway after a passing Audi hit the road users. A video of the accident was posted on the Complaint Singapore Facebook group, with the caption noting that the incident happened along the Pan Island Expressway (PIE) on Thursday (Dec 29).
The vehicle recording the scene on the dashboard camera entered PIE and remained behind the motorcyclist and pillion passenger. A few moments later, a black Audi A4 appeared from the right side and recklessly swerved into the leftmost lane. The vehicle brushed past the motorcyclist, causing the riders to tumble to the ground.
LTA apprehends over 110 offences, including non-compliant window tinting & illegal exhaust modifications, over Christmas period

SINGAPORE — Road users are reminded to keep safety top of mind and observe prevailing rules and guidelines during the holiday season. The Land Transport Authority (LTA) continues with regular enforcement efforts across the island to ensure road safety throughout the festive period.
In its recent operations over the Christmas holidays, LTA apprehended 74 vehicle-related offences and 37 active mobility offences. The vehicle offences included illegal exhaust modifications, non-compliant window tinting and licence plates, wrote LTA in a Facebook post on Friday (Dec 29).
‘How do you all live with stay-in maids?’ — Netizen asks because ‘our maid getting close with me on my bed when I’m trying to rest’

SINGAPORE — A Reddit user who did not grow up with a maid in their household recently took to r/askSingapore wondering how others, who have stay-in domestic helpers, do it. The Redditor huayi3 wrote on Friday (Dec 30) that due to illness, their family recently had to get a helper for their parents.
“I’m not used to a stranger in my space 24/7 (I wfh and usually home on the weekends/PH), and through no fault of her own, I find myself getting super annoyed she’s in my space. I am not comfortable with having this stranger close to me, touching my stuff (even though it’s kind of her job to help around the house when that parent does not need attention), needing assurances from me, getting close with me on my bed when I’m trying to rest, etc.”
Netizens resonate with Jamus Lim’s post on daughter’s T-Rex and not categorizing toys as ‘male’ or ‘female’

SINGAPORE — Workers’ Party Member of Parliament Jamus Lim (Sengkang GRC) recently posted over social media about a toy his daughter has enjoyed playing with—a T-Rex from the Science Center.
“I think we sometimes fall into a tendency to categorize toys as inherently more ‘male’ or ‘female’: monsters and trains and water cannons for boys; dollhouses and cooking sets and pink ribbons for girls,” he wrote on Facebook and Instagram on Thursday (Dec 29). Assoc Prof Lim added that such distinctions “unnecessarily limits their imagination” for careers children may have as adults, which he does not want for his own child, who turned three in November.