A monitor lizard was spotted in the lift of an LRT station, and netizens had a field day with the comments.

In a post to the popular Facebook page Singapore Wildlife Sightings on Monday (May 30), a netizen who went by the name of Toon Ong shared photos of the monitor lizard. The photos had a date and time stamped on them, May 3, around noon. According to the photos, the monitor lizard seemed to be in the lift at first, but nine minutes later had made its way outside into the forested area.

The lizard, seen in the lift of Layar LRT, prompted many jokes from netizens, such as how it was “Going to take Lizard Rapid Transit”.

Earlier this year, a glimpse of nature at work was caught on camera as a family of otters tried to steal a fish from a monitor lizard that had the fish securely held in its jaws. Despite being outnumbered, the reptile used its powerful tail to whack the competition away.

See also  Monitor lizard eats python whole in Ulu Pandan canal, throws up and burps

“Fight for the fish,” reported a Singapore Wildlife Sightings member on Tuesday (Jan 18). The netizen uploaded a video taken at the Botanical Gardens, featuring a lone monitor lizard facing off with a romp of otters. There seemed to be nine otters trying their luck to snatch the fish away.
