By Mary Lee

Ex-detainee Teo Soh Lung wrote in her Facebook posting a few days ago that she was depressed for a week after reading ex-journalist Yeo Toon Joo’s book, Confessions of Lee Kuan Yew’s simplistic pressman.  She shouldn’t have bothered – it doesn’t contain anything new, certainly nothing of detentions (like hers).

She said he sounded like a victim. Really? I just thought it was bad writing — I turned down Joo’s offer to me to edit it in 2015 because I got bored reading chapter after chapter of who’s who in the Straits Times newsroom (people I didn’t know or could care less about). He sent me an email before I returned the manuscript to him asking for a photograph he could use in his chapter on me (Mary, Mary, why so contrary?) but I didn’t reply.

I’m writing here because Teo Soh Lung (whose book on her politicial detention, Beyond the Blue Gate I must get) mentioned me in her Facebook posting last week: “…The story of what befell the bright and energetic Mary Lee must surely open our eyes to the blatant abuse of power in our country”, she said.

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The blatant abuse is facilitated by Singapore Press Holding’s unwillingness to point out questionable decisions by the Cabinet. The old guard have all been cremated and, even if their souls are not at rest (which seems likely), the new guard cannot possibly push the press around anymore. Look at what happened with the disgraceful Oxley Road hoohah. LHY and LWL accused the PM of misuing his power, and ST carried it! So come on, reporters, report!

Of course, the government can get Facebook to ban certain postings, but Facebook knows it has competition. Anyway, ST, your Forum pages are significant sources of information, but I no longer see them because they are not on your online version (which I subscribe to because I am environmentally conscious).

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