SINGAPORE: A man took to social media asking others for suggestions on how to get rid of his sister’s jerk boyfriend.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the man said that his 22-year-old sister was dating a guy who was “26, an old repeat student and jobless”.

“Before my sister starts her job in another country, he proposed to her with a measly tiny diamond ring. The diamond is so small I think it’s not even 0.2 carat”, the man said. He shared that he told his sister not to accept the proposal and to start her job without him. He wrote that he often saw his sister crying while on the phone, so he knew the couple had frequent fights.

The man continued: “He always accuse her of cheating when she’s just home with me. He also have been making my sister pay when out on dates and have been trying to make my sister give him money when they go out. He’s also extremely rude to me when he shows up at our place. I hate him so much and I can’t wait for my sister to get rid of him”.

Here’s what netizens who commented on the post said:

Last year, a 33-year-old man who felt stuck in an awful relationship and just wanted a place to rant took to social media to complain about his situation. In an anonymous Facebook post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the man wrote that he had been with his girlfriend for three years. He added that over the years, his girlfriend’s sense of entitlement has grown, and her independence dipped.

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“For the past three years, I have been paying for everything. Meals (regardless of price range), dates (movie tickets, entrance fees and whatnot), her Grab/Taxi to work, gifts (I’ve bought high ticket items such as phones), and even school fees. It is easy to say that I have been paying for 80% of the entire time that we are together. All the while, she berates me for being useless, bad at my job, and bad at my life”, he wrote.

33yo guy with girlfriend for 3 years pays for her meals, dates, transport to work, even her school fees; yet she berates him for being useless