According to forumers at Singapore Expats, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) issued some Malaysian workers applying for S-Pass an Employment Pass (EP) instead. MOM states the following differences between various work passes.

List of passes for pass category
Pass type Who is it for
Employment Pass For foreign professionals, managers and executives. Candidates need to earn at least $3,300 a month and have acceptable qualifications.
S Pass For mid-level skilled staff. Candidates need to earn at least $2,200 a month and meet the assessment criteria.
Work Permit for foreign worker For semi-skilled foreign workers in the construction, manufacturing, marine, process or services sector.

A writer for this publication had earlier claimed: “Some people are not aware that Malaysians are treated differently from other nationalities. Their qualifying salary to obtain EP is S$2,200 as opposed to S$3,300 for other nationalities.”

Forumer sundaymorningstaple responded to the post and said: “It’s no wonder Singaporean men are upset then. Especially when they find out that Malaysian men are being given EP’s even for basic entrance value for S passes. I’d be pissed off as well, knowing a 22 kid could come in with a degree and take a local’s degree holder’s job at 2/3 of the prevailing rate (for a degree holder) AND be given an EP for what is an S pass rate. That ought to really give the oppies reason to hammer the government.”

See also  MOM: CPF Board has no intention of using insurance schemes to protect members victimised by scams

Forumer dynoto said: “My Malaysian girlfriend is getting an EP too. And her salary is $2.8 when her employer applied an S pass for her. Which is weird, I questioned her that its cant be true but well its stated EP on her card…just like mine.”

Forumer jljj0898 said: “…I questioned my HR and she told me this is normal for Malaysian. Some HR might not aware about this.”

To which Forumer sundaymorningstaple replied: “Can you imagine what that would do on social media? Wow!…I’ve been in HR for 20 years here and this is the first I’ve heard of it as well. I’m pretty gobsmacked to tell the truth. It would appear it’s pretty common as we’re only the tip of the iceberg here. I would reckon you have as good a chance and the next Malaysian Chinese, on getting SG Citizenship. As it appears that the deck is stacked in your favour. Good Luck.”