SINGAPORE: Taylor Swift is the gift that keeps on giving to Singapore. From an economic boost so big that it helped upgrade the GDP forecast and couples getting engaged during her concerts and then a Malaysian bus driver who made as much as SS8,500 a day bringing Swifties to and from the concerts, you name it, it did it all.
The concerts have also given visitors to Singapore a lot of appreciation for, among other things, the public transport system. Malaysian X (formerly Twitter) user Muaz Mohd wrote that he had “the best time ever” at The Eras Tour, and in a series of tweets on March 10 that went viral, wrote that he also wanted “to highlight how GREAT Singapore’s public transport and public infrastructure are.”
While in Singapore, he “Walked, took the bus, MRT-ed and didn’t ride a single car there.” And for naysayers, he added, “Don’t EVER say we cant have it cause of our weather,” posting photos to prove his point.
In his next tweet, he shared some love for Singapore’s buses.
“The buses were on time if not earlier. You can track them on google maps but you could also find live information at the bus stops as to when the next bus is, how crowded it is etc3.
It’s arguably even better than London’s. Everyone took buses, especially locals.”
Then, the infrastructure also got a shoutout, as it allowed for easy walking everywhere.
“Walking infrastructure was amazing??? Old, young, all walks of life were walking everywhere. THIS is what is called Ehsan and proper governance. People would walk if you gave them the right infrastructure!”
“Ehsan” means excellence or perfection in Arabic.
Cycling paths and the MRT system also got some love.
“People also cycled everywhere – kids, people who worked, people who went to the bakery etc. Did you know Singapore has 525km of cycling paths nationwide?
And they are also interconnected to parks? Their MRT is also of course amazing with great frequency,” wrote Mr Mohd.
But his praises did not end there. He continued by writing, “You want a humid country who’s done public transport and public infrastructure right? Singapore’s done it. Same weather as well. If you provide it, people will use it. I didn’t need to use any car/grab at all.”
He also called out the leadership in his country, writing, “I’ve said it before &I’ll say it again – we don’t have any politician that comes remotely close to championing proper public transport &cycling and walking infra in Malaysia – be it from PH, PN or any party. MOT, KKR, &KPKT has had ministers who just dont have the vision for it.” /TISG
Read also: Taylor Swift’s concerts prompts economists to upgrade Singapore’s GDP forecasts