SINGAPORE: A foreign domestic helper who was tired of the amount of work she was given daily took to social media asking for advice.

In an anonymous post to a support group for domestic helpers and employers alike, the maid outlined her daily tasks. She said: “My job is taking care of 2 dogs (Husky)I take them downstairs to pee and poop 3 times a day,cleaning 2 houses, cooking in 1 day 2 times(Dinner for 10 people), car wash”.

She added that she was very tired and could no longer stand her job. She added that she wanted to speak to her employers about a transfer, and if they did not allow her to transfer, she wanted to stay in Batam. “I have lost 5 kg after almost 4 months,Not only is the work very tiring but they also manage all personal problems,Please advise what should I do,I have experience in Singapore 3 years looking after babies”, the maid wrote.

At the end of last year, another foreign domestic worker held to ransom by her employer took to social media asking others for help and advice.

See also  Maid borrows $300 from loan sharks who demand $1160 back, or else they will keep sending COD food orders to the house

The helper said she had worked with her current employers for three years. After her 2-year contract was over, she asked to be transferred to another household but was told no by her employer who threatened to send her back to Indonesia.

She wrote that she was initially working for a family of five, but the wife and children ran away from home, taking her with them. In their new house, she was made to cook “3x everyday untill saturday, cleaning house, do laundry, buy groceries, wash car, and take care of them, also my mdm always ask me to cook for party, last party for 32 people with 8 menu all by myself nobody help me even for small thing”.

Read the full story here:

Maid says when she asked for transfer because her employer makes her cook 3 times a day and for parties of over 30 people, the employer threatens to send her back home