SINGAPORE: A foreign domestic helper took to social media, asking employers why they discriminated against helpers with tattoos.

In a post to a support group on social media for domestic helpers and employers alike, the helper asked: “Just a question to employers, why do you not want to have a (maid with a) tattoo? Is that the basis of an applicant’s personality? Why are we workers looking for employers without tattoos?” She added that helpers did not judge whether their employers had tattoos or not, “as long as we are your people treat us we will serve you. Peace of mind whether you have a tattoo or not”.

In the comments section, both helpers and employers responded. Some helpers said that their employers did not mind that they had tattoos. Other employers said that this was the same practice in places of employment. One helper wrote: “I have tattoos but my bos(s) ok with it , I told him that I had once when we was at the first interview, even the kids was fine with my tattoos, as long we do have good heart , work hard and good behaviour with the kids and all the family members!”

Another woman wrote: “Not only for you. For us, employer if we look for an office job the company also see if we have tattoo or not. But tattoo is our own choice, we are mature enough to know since we want tattoo we have to face the fact that it’s not easy to find a job but non of us complain!”

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Yet another netizen said that it was because of the culture: “Different countries have different cultures. If u go to a European country, the acceptance of tattoo is very much more wider than here. This is just the way Singaporeans have been brought up and the way our employers treat us. So when you, as a foreigner, enter another person’s country, it’s only right to respect the culture, rules and policies there. So for sg, since it’s not a very accepting country for tattoos, you have to understand that you’re not going to be easily accepted for a job”.

Read related: Earlier this year, an employer who found a vape device in her maid’s room took to social media asking for advice. In an anonymous post to a Facebook support group for both helpers and employers, the woman said that she had a real estate agent bring people to view their rental flat as her landlord planned to sell their unit. “I went to out helpers room to open the windows and found a vape by the window. When interviewing and going through house rules out (sic) helper of a few months says she does not smoke”, she wrote.

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