A concerned member of the public warned others to be careful when purchasing eggs after discovering live maggots “clawing out from the eggs inside”.
“My son bought three egg trays from one of the 24-hour Giant (outlet) at Sembawang,” said Facebook page Complaint Singapore member Thet Aung on Sunday (June 26). When Ms Aung opened the tray, she made an alarming discovery.

“Some maggots clawing out from the eggs inside.”
Ms Aung attached a video showing the maggots squirming around the eggs.

She then found out that some of the eggs were already broken. Spoilt eggs attract flies to lay their eggs, from which maggots are born.
Ms Aung went back to the Giant outlet to inform the store manager.
“Said part was never say sorry and asked to change the other one,” she noted.
“I am still ok with that. But check before you buy,” she added.
In 2018, Giant lodged a report with its supplier after maggots were spotted inside trays of eggs from its Tampines Hypermarket.
“The affected tray of eggs together with six other non-affected trays around it were immediately removed and discarded, and the area cleaned and sanitised,” said a company representative to The Straits Times.
“A report was also lodged with the supplier, and their investigation into samples of the same batch of eggs did not reveal any abnormalities or issues and are safe for consumption,” the company said then.
Shoppers are reminded to double-check the expiry date of items and their condition, especially those with a limited shelf-life. /TISG
Ewww maggots! — Man finds plenty in his nasi lemak chicken wing at Changi Famous Food Centre