A MacRitchie Reservoir visitor was left shocked when a mischievious macaque stole her phone from her back pocket before dropping it in the water.

Facebook user Angela Chua wrote on social media that she was photographing a group of monkeys at the reservoir when one of the creatures reached into her back pocket and pulled her mobile phone out. Before she could act, the macaque quickly scaled a tree and tried to eat the device.

Sharing that other visitors were equally shocked, Angela recounted: “I was photographing a troop of macaques when I felt my phone being taken from my back pocket. When I turned around, it had already climbed up the tree. Everyone around gasped. I was in shock! How could this happen!

“I saw it trying to eat the phone. Someone said “call your phone”, another quipped “she no phone already”. Then another passed me her phone, but I said “no use, phone silent mode, dunno got vibration or not.'”

Suddenly, the monkey dropped her phone into the reservoir, forcing Angela to go into the water to look for her phone. She recalled: “Then someone shouted and clapped and I saw my phone being dropped into the reservoir. I passed my totebag to someone nearby and said “I’m going in”. Someone said to wait for the ranger, but I could not.

“The water was waist deep but thankfully it was clear enough to see the bottom. I waded through, pushing away the water plants. My phone had sunk to the bottom, which was an arm’s length deep. A few kind souls crowded around to pull me out of the water after I retrieved it.”

Although Angela heeded the advice of some visitors to place her phone in a bowl of uncooked rice, so the rice could suck the water out of the device, the rice did not do the trick and Angela’s phone is still dead.

Read her post here:
