Singapore — A motorcyclist is shown speeding across double white lines and crashing into an oncoming rider in video footage that is circulating online.

On Friday (Dec 4), Facebook page uploaded video footage of the incident from a vehicle’s dashcam. According to the post, the accident happened the previous night along South Buona Vista Road.

“Ignoring double white lines and slams into another rider in the opposite side,” read the caption. The post also highlighted that there was a 40 kph speed limit on the road.

The motorcyclist can be seen overtaking the vehicle which captured the incident on its dashcam. In doing so, he crosses the double white lines and into the opposite lane and crashes into an oncoming motorcycle. Both riders fall onto the road.

“South Buona Vista Road is a road with many steep turns and slopes. Double white lines cover more than 50 per cent of this stretch of road,” added in a post of a similar incident that happened in April 2018.

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Those commenting on the post called on the authorities to take the rider to task so that others are not injured in the future. “This reckless biker should be penalised for causing injury to the other biker and should have his licence suspended,” said Facebook user Cai Chen.

“I’ve been using this road for close to 10 years and seen so many accidents,” commented Facebook user Michael De Souza. “People don’t seem to bother that double white lines mean no overtaking. Traffic Police should install cameras along this road,” he added.

“I’m a biker, but this is really a case where ambition outweighs skill,” commented Facebook user Wahid Ooi Abdullah.”


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