Dear Editor,

I read with sadness about The Independent Singapore’s featured news: Singapore grieves the loss of traffic policeman who died in the line of duty (June 5).

Although Singapore is a tiny cosmopolitan city, it is like the saying: “A sparrow may be small, but it has all its vital organs.”

Singapore’s road transportation infrastructure is well-constructed and well-connected in all directions. For example, it has thousands of roads, seven MRT lines and few LRT lines.

This means that Singapore’s daily traffic flow is quite congested and heavy, especially during the morning and evening peak periods.

Various vehicles are on every road almost daily, travelling at high speeds. Therefore, traffic police will have certain difficulties and risks when patrolling, supervising and enforcing the law as and when necessary.

For example, the sad and unfortunate traffic incident of an LTA enforcement officer died in a bike chase along SLE on 5 June. Occasionally, I have observed motorists and riders with bad habits speeding and swerving on various expressways.

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Their rash, inconsiderate and irresponsible acts and attitude have endangered themselves and caused great harm to other road users.

To deter and curb such rash and irresponsible drivers/riders, I suggest installing more speed cameras and more traffic enforcement officers (preferably in pairs while on patrols and enforcement) deployed on the roads, especially on those black-listed roads or accident-prone areas.

Lastly, heavy fines and severe demerit points should also be implemented to deal with those recalcitrant reckless drivers/riders.

Teo Kueh Liang

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of The Independent Singapore

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