Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s only daughter, Lee Wei Ling, has described certain scenarios of raising children and having to look after a husband as a “burden” in her most recent post on social media.

Dr Lee Wei Ling is the only one among her father’s three children who never married and chose to stay single. In 2009, Dr Lee explained why she chose not to get married in an article published by the national broadsheet. Describing the loving relationship her parents shared, Dr Lee wrote:

“If my parents have such a loving relationship, why then did I decide to remain single? Firstly, my mother set the bar too high for me. I could not envisage being the kind of wife and mother she had been.
“Secondly, I am temperamentally similar to my father. Indeed, he once said to me: ‘You have all my traits – but to such an exaggerated degree that they become a disadvantage in you.’”

She asserted: “I knew I could not live my life around a husband; nor would I want a husband to live his life around me. Of course, there are any number of variations in marital relationships between those extremes. But there is always a need for spouses to change their behaviour or habits to suit each other. I have always been set in my ways and did not fancy changing my behaviour or lifestyle.”

Declaring that she does not regret her choice not to get married and that she is happily single, Dr Lee revealed:

“More than 10 years ago, when there was still a slim chance I might have got married, my father told me: ‘Your mother and I could be selfish and feel happy that you remain single and can look after us in our old age. But you will be lonely.’
“I was not convinced. Better one person feeling lonely than two people miserable because they cannot adapt to each other, I figured.
“I do not regret my choice. But I want to end with a warning to young men and women: What works for me may not work for others.”

Last week, Dr Lee described how lovable her new dog Hiro is. Revealing that her pet has won her heart, she added that it is a privilege for her to bring up a loyal friend without “the burden” of having to raise children who may turn vexatious or look after a husband who may become distant or become addicted to vices.

She wrote: “Hiro has clearly won my heart and I have the privilege of bringing up a lovable and loyal friend without the burden of bringing up children who may vex you and the burden of looking after a Husband I may grow distant from or unexpectedly turn against me or become a gambler, drug addict or alcoholic.”

Read her post in full here:

“It was clear from early on that Hiro was a lovable rascal with the emphasis on lovable. He also demonstrated early on his intelligence with the soufflé incident and the fact that he quickly figured out whining and getting restless in his crate or “house” would get him out. We did so because we thought he needed to pee or poo. But he used it as a method to get out of the cage which he did very often just to play. Unfortunately I unexpectedly needed admission the day after he arrived. My helpers had become very fond of him and took over his care. The problem was they pampered him and spoilt him.
“Hiro was being spoilt rotten by the maids. He does not like to be in his cage, so she lets him play at the level of the downstairs dining room. She is requesting a small gate be put up at the steps that lead to my late grandpa’s room so he cannot damage items stored there. Hiro does not like to play alone, so the helpers stays up to keep him company. I unexpectedly needed readmission the day after he arrived. By the next evening I begged to be discharged home. For the short time (an evening) I was home, he was in the cage in my room. Initially he whined but stop as soon as I reprimanded him with a gentle “no” or “quiet”. He sat through my reporting an EEG and writing the first part of this essay, this entire period lasted 2 and a half hours. He did not complain when I exercise on the elliptical. When one helper finished walking him to pee & poo: he whined. He learns very quickly who he can manipulate.
“I came home the day after my readmission by pleading with my surgeons. Unfortunately I don’t have Hiro’s charm but was very grateful for my surgeon’s understanding. Hiro clearly knows who he can manipulate and stayed quiet whilst I worked on my laptop to finish this essay. Hiro has clearly won my heart and I have the privilege of bringing up a lovable and loyal friend without the burden of bringing up children who may vex you and the burden of looking after a Husband I may grow distant from or unexpectedly turn against me or become a gambler, drug addict or alcoholic. Hiro is likely to be the last dog in my life and I am in love again.”

See also  Lee Kuan Yew's former home open for rentals