
Haley, Koch

The influential Koch political network declared its pivotal endorsement on Tuesday, solidifying Nikki Haley as the frontrunner, disrupting the narrative of a two-horse race between Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

The Koch endorsement unlocks arsenal

Initiated by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, Haley gains access to a treasure trove of resources.

This includes influential donors, a multimillion-dollar advertising war chest, and an extensive ground operation capable of rivaling even the Republican National Committee.

The Koch endorsement deals a significant blow to Governor DeSantis, who has consistently positioned himself as the primary contender against Trump.

Acknowledging potential disappointment among DeSantis supporters, AFP Action justified its decision, asserting that Haley stands as the most strategically positioned candidate to take on both Trump and President Biden.

Leveling the playing field

The Koch endorsement addresses two critical vulnerabilities in Haley’s candidacy.

  • Grassroots Organizing: Despite evident polling momentum, AFP Action, boasting the “largest grassroots operation in the country and a presence in all 50 states,” pledges to deploy thousands of organizers in support of Haley.
  • Foreign Policy: The Koch-backed groups, bridge a gap in supporting Haley, whose foreign policy positions, such as opposing the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and backing aid to Ukraine against Russia, diverge from the “America First” GOP base.


Predictably, the DeSantis campaign criticized the Koch network’s move, characterizing it as an “in-kind campaign contribution” to Trump.

Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) seized the opportunity to launch a scathing response, aligning the Koch network’s endorsement with Trump’s economic agenda.

Some strategists suggest that the backlash from Democrats and the media could inadvertently boost Haley’s standing in the race.

As the endorsement reshapes the GOP landscape, Nikki Haley’s campaign is now positioned to capitalize on newfound support, setting the stage for a dynamic and closely watched primary battle.

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