“MY ARTi FILM,” a new performance-based variety show, is set to showcase aespa’s Karina. The show is an avant-garde cinematic performance series where K-pop performers take on challenging roles in comedy, romance, and thrillers.

Every episode includes dance routines that combine K-pop aesthetics with cinematic elements to recreate iconic movie moments.

Mnet revealed on Thursday (8 Aug) that Karina will take on the noir action genre, portraying a strong, independent character who stands up against a crime boss. This role will showcase a new side of her not seen on stage. Anticipation is high for her performance.

Photo: Instagram/Karina

New side of Karina

“I had a great time stepping into the lead role of a noir action story, something I typically only watch,” Karina shared. She added that she hopes her fans appreciate and treasure seeing a separate side of her.

Karina has dabbled in a variety of sectors since making her aespa debut in 2020, demonstrating her broad appeal. Known for successes like “Next Level,” “Spicy,” and “Drama,” the trio is still at the top of the charts with their pre-release single “Supernova.”

See also  aespa's Karina officially named new Prada ambassador

With its novel premise, Mnet’s “MY ARTi FILM,” which previously starred Sunwoo and ONF from THE BOYZ, never fails to captivate K-pop enthusiasts. On August 13, Julie and Natty from KISS OF LIFE will be on the show.

“MY ARTi FILM” airs on Mnet and the Mnet K-Pop YouTube channel every Tuesday at 9 p.m. KST.

Leader of aespa grows in popularity

Karina is the stage name of Yu Ji-min, a talented South Korean singer and rapper. She’s best known as the leader of the popular K-pop group, aespa, formed by SM Entertainment. Karina is not only the leader of aespa but also its visual and center, showcasing her strong stage presence and charisma.She excels in both singing and rapping, demonstrating her versatility as an artist.

With aespa’s growing popularity, Karina has become a sought-after figure in the K-pop industry.Besides aespa, she’s also a member of the supergroup Got the Beat, further expanding her musical horizons.