SINGAPORE: A bus passenger recently took to social media to share a photo of another passenger who was seen touching his feet onboard public transportation. The passenger took the opportunity to use the photo to start a conversation about etiquette and hygiene.

“Just curious. Am I too sensitive or does anyone see something wrong with this fella’s etiquette?” the online user wrote in a public group on Sunday evening (March 17).

Two photos of a man sitting in a bus seat, resting his right leg on his left knee and exposing his bare foot to other passengers were attached to the post. In one of the photos, he is seen holding his foot.

The photo got the writer of the post thinking, “How would you like it if your hand accidentally brushed over his feet or if your kid’s face accidentally brushed across his feet? #3rdworldetiquette.”

A handful of online users responded to the post, sharing the writer’s sentiments on such unhygienic behaviour.

“People who do this on buses and the MRT should be highlighted in a campaign on tv and social media often so that they will hopefully stop their filthy nonsense,” said one. “It must be done on tv in four languages often.”

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“These are their habits,” said another. “A leopard can never change their spots. You can see these people in coffeeshopa too! Unless you tell them so politely for just those five seconds they feel paiseh and put down their leg. After you walk away, the same habits will come back!”

A few others commented that taking up too much space on public transport can be inconsiderate towards other passengers. “Crossing legs in the train and bus really takes up space,” said one. “And (causes) people to avoid touching the legs! It is a bad habit!”

“He did not realise the sitting habit he practices in (the) bus or MRT may cause others inconvenience,” said another.

According to PHS Hygiene, the average person takes approximately 10,000 steps a day, which attracts a lot of bacteria to their feet.

Being outdoors exposes our feet to dirt, from human and animal waste to vomit and saliva. Given this, you may want to think twice the next time you feel like touching your feet–especially in public!

Read also: Woman on train not giving up her seat for elderly man sitting on the floor sparks online debate