
Morgan Geyser, involved in the Slender Man stabbing case, remains in a psychiatric hospital despite psychiatrist testimonies of her readiness for release.

Judge Michael Bohren ruled against her release, citing public safety concerns. Geyser, along with Anissa Weier, lured a classmate and stabbed her, citing fear of Slender Man.

Though psychiatrists noted Geyser’s improvement, the judge expressed concern over her changing explanations for the attack.

Geyser’s attorney maintains her stability, stating, “Time will show she is a healthy and stable person.” Weier, released in 2021, lives under monitored conditions. Public safety remains paramount in Geyser’s case.

Geyser and the Slender Man

The Slender Man, born from an online meme by Eric Knudsen in 2009, is a fictional, unnaturally tall figure with a featureless face, often depicted wearing a black suit. Known for stalking and traumatizing people, especially children.

Meanwhile, the attorneys argued about the reasons for not releasing her. “Her credibility is at issue. She’s changed her position,” Bohren said. “Until that credibility is resolved, the risk is high,” he added, referring to public safety.
On the other hand, two psychologists testified Wednesday that it was still too soon to release Geyser. Waukesha County Assistant District Attorney Ted Szczupakiewicz also opposed it.

Cover Photo: Wikipedia

Source: AP

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