Jamus Lim

When Workers’ Party Member of Parliament Jamus Lim (Sengkang GRC) and the volunteers on his team carry out house visits, they take their time to get to know residents.

“Deep conversations and meaningful feedback is what we value most from the exercise,” wrote Assoc Prof Lim in a Facebook post on Saturday (June 25). 

He had written that at times, “residents mention that it has taken a while for us to reach them with our house visits, after the election.”

The MP wrote that the team of volunteers from Team Sengkang had finished house visits to 326A Anchorvale this week, after having been derailed last week when Assoc Prof Lim caught a cold.

Finding themselves with time to spare after the wrapping up at 326A Anchorvale, they then started on visits to 310C.

It appears that for the MP, the quality of house visits far outweighs the speed of carrying them out.

Addressing a complaint that they haven’t gotten to visit some residents yet, Assoc Prof Lim explained why.

“We don’t believe in rushing through our visits just so we can ‘check off’ the block—deep conversations and meaningful feedback is what we value most from the exercise.”

Usually, the team is only able to visit residences at around half a block or so each week.

Therefore, it takes a while to get to everyone in his ward, which grew bigger late last year after former fellow Sengkang GRC MP, Raeesah Khan, resigned.

“So doing the math, with something in excess of 160 blocks in Anchorvale, and 2 weeks to complete a block, it does take a while to get round, even if we do conduct house visits every week.”

Nevertheless, Assoc Prof Lim assured residents that he aims to visit everyone.

“But our goal remains to hit every block, so we’re doing our best to get there, we promise!”

Netizens praised the MP, and some even asked other residents to stay patient, since the team is down from 4 to 3 MPs.




Read also: 

Jamus Lim: Resident shares concerns over migrant professionals crowding out locals – Singapore News 

Resident talks to Jamus Lim about challenges singles face in Singapore 

Resident tells Jamus Lim that higher prices are “too close, too many, can’t breathe” – Singapore News 

