In the middle of a lightning storm, Jamus Lim managed to help a resident get a refrigerator.

In a Facebook post on Monday (Dec 14), the Associate Professor and Member of Parliament (MP) for Sengkang GRC said that “Sometimes helping residents can involve a scramble, but when things work out, it is extremely satisfying”.

He said that an Anchorvale resident got in touch with him and his team of volunteers on Sunday (Dec 13), urgently requesting a refrigerator, as hers had broken down and she was worried about losing her childrens’ milk, and the family food.

He wrote: “We were able to hustle together a used fridge from a volunteer donor, a truck and driver, and some WP Community Fund #Bluecycle muscle at short notice”.`

Prof Lim added that the volunteers braved the lightning storm and made the delivery to a grateful Madam Nuraidah and her kids.

“As always, the dedication of our volunteers never fails to amaze me”, Prof Lim wrote.

See also  Jamus Lim Addresses Insufficient Government Measures on Inflation

Jamus Lim is known for his presence and relationship with residents of Anchorvale. /TISG

Also read: Anchorvale resident tells Jamus Lim, “Cost of living rises faster than salaries” in construction