SINGAPORE: A Reddit user wondered if it’s “realistically possible” for a family of four to survive in Singapore with only one parent working.

u/Material-Judge-6126 added in a r/askSingapore post on Wednesday (Sept 6), “Let’s assume the children are pre-primary age. Will it mean a life of only bare essentials?”

Over a hundred people have commented on the post so far.

One wrote, “Singapore gov wont let you starve,” but warned that “Life will be very tough tho, strict budgeting, no luxury and probably no retirement.”

For those who are in this situation, one Reddit user wrote, “Just save up as much as possible. Recent years knew a lot of husbands who passed away at very young age (mostly heart attack during evening run).”

Another said it was possible, and provided survival tips that included “forgo car which is totally unnecessary in Sg (no guilt also), eat out less (home cooked food healthier anyway), no splurging on stuff/clothes/electronics (e.g. I stopped buying Lego every other week).”

A husband who is living this reality offered his insights. He wrote, “My wife is a housewife, I have 3 kids (8, 6 and 1) and live on around $6k monthly. We are all fully insured in life, CI, hospital, accident policies as well, and I was lucky to have gotten my 4 room BTO 6 years ago where it costs $1000/month. As my income is considered low, I qualify for very high childcare subsidies, and everyone is a blue chas card holder. We go on holidays 1 or 2 times a year, and we fly SQ economy.”

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“I am testing this now and still surviving. 2 kids, no car, median income,” wrote another.

“My supervisor survives on a single income of 4-5k per month. He owns a 3br HDB, with a company car,” one chimed in.

A mum wrote, “To answer your question, I believe it is possible for a family of 4 to live on a single income. The single income is at least 10k to be truly comfortable- eat out, kids have music class/ coaching for sports/ pursue their interest, stay home parent gets an allowance, there is enough buffer to save/ deal with emergencies, 2 holidays a year. Still no car tho.”


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