Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) has responded to the news that went viral a few days ago, that “KTPH staff left seriously injured foreign worker unattended until Singaporean family intervened.”
A spokesperson of the hospital speaking to a local tabloid, The New Paper, said that the patient came to the hospital with a hand injury at 8.14pm on 3 March. He sustained the injury at about 5pm.
“He was sawing a pipe but the blade came off and cut his finger badly. He was brought to a GP (general practitioner), who dressed his wound and stopped the bleeding. When he arrived, his wound had stopped bleeding,” she added.
KTPH also showed the tabloid CCTV footages of the incident at the hospital’s Acute and Emergency (A&E) Care Centre, and the following is a timeline of the incident as reported by the tabloid:
8.14pm: The patient walks into the A&E at KTPH. Nurses immediately check his hand to make sure there is no active bleeding.
8.15pm: The patient’s colleagues, who accompany him, register him.
8.27pm: Assistant manager of construction firm where the patient works walks in. He went to park his car after dropping the patient off. The four men linger at the waiting area.
8.47pm: The patient is assessed at triage, which is the process of examining problems in order to decide which ones are the most serious and must be dealt with first. Assistant manager leaves to buy food and drinks for the three men.
8.56pm: Associate Professor Eillyne Seow examines the patient.
9.15pm: An X-ray is done on his hand.
10.38pm: Assistant manager sits with the patient.
10.52pm: Medication is administered intravenously.
11.52pm: Miss Nurul Narina Abdul Hakim Amir’s (Facebook-user NiNi Narina YrflowerGirl) sister informs the nurse about the blood in the tube. The nurse goes immediately to help the patient.
11.57pm: Miss Narina’s sister again informs the nurse about blood in the drip and this time, a male nurse goes immediately to help.
The hospital’s A&E department classified the injured foreign worker as a Priority Level 3 patient (P3). P3 cases as classified as minor emergencies, where patients are able to walk, have mild to moderate symptoms and need early treatment. (Examples are sprains, mild constant abdominal pain, fever with cough for several days, insect stings or animal bites, superficial injuries with or without mild bleeding, minor head injuries (patient is alert and not vomiting), foreign bodies in ear, nose or throat, urinary tract infections, and headaches.)
The spokesperson further said that “KTPH has put in place protocols to ensure care is not compromised despite high demand for emergency department services,” and that “all life-threatening cases are attended to immediately.”
Chief executive officer of KTPH, Mrs Chew Kwee Tiang, also spoke to the tabloid saying that she was disappointed that Ms Nurul “took a photograph of the patient without his knowledge or permission and posted it on social media. The hospital does not encourage photo-taking of patients on our premises as it would be an invasion of privacy.”
Ms Nurul in the meantime may have changed the privacy settings of her post, as it is no longer viewable to the public.
Article is edited after it was published.