SINGAPORE — “Singapore has gotten more expensive recently, I think anyone living here feels it,” wrote Gregory Andrle, an American expat who goes by @certified_gmo on TikTok, and has also been living in Singapore for the past several years.

He listed his monthly expenses, which add up to $4,750. For rent and utilities on a one-bedroom condo “slightly outside of central,” he pays $2,100. For eating out, he pays $700. He also spends $200 on gym and yoga; $400 on public transport and Grab rides; $300 on groceries and miscellaneous, but also allots $1000 a month for travel expenses.

“These are my average monthly expenses living in SG nowadays, it isn’t exact but it is a rough number. Looking at my bank statement it was eye-opening how much money I give to Grabfood and Grab Taxi each month,” he wrote in the caption of his post.


Singapore has gotten more expensive recently, I think anyone living here feels it. These are my average monthly expenses living in SG nowadays, it isn’t exact but it is a rough number. Looking at my bank statement it was eye opening how much money I give to Grabfood and Grab Taxi each month 😅 In terms of travel budget, I never really left the USA before coming over to Singapore so one of my priorities was to travel and see as much as I can, which is why I dedicate a decent amount to a travel budget. Sometimes my work pays for part of the travel, sometimes I choose to travel on my own or with friends, but I’ve been super grateful for the experiences Singapore has brought me and all the cool people I’ve met here. I am definitely still enjoying the journey. Thank you SG. #singaporetiktok #singapore #expatlife #expat #monthlybudget

♬ Dirty Harry (Instrumental) – Gorillaz

“Sometimes my work pays for part of the travel, sometimes I choose to travel on my own or with friends, but I’ve been super grateful for the experiences Singapore has brought me and all the cool people I’ve met here. I am definitely still enjoying the journey,” he added, ending his post with “Thank you SG.  #singaporetiktok #singapore #expatlife #expat #monthlybudget”

His video, however, inspired some degree of sourgraping.

“Expats earning so much knn Singaporeans earning peanuts,” one wrote.

Others were impressed with the good price he pays for his flat.

And by way of explanation for the high price he pays for travel, he explained that before coming to Singapore, he had never really left his home country, the USA.

“One of my priorities was to travel and see as much as I can, which is why I dedicate a decent amount to a travel budget.” /TISG

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