So, if Sony and Disney can put away their differences that is the ‘business struggle’ over the character for one scene, you can do a post credits scene where Strange offers Peter and his Aunt May a chance to escape.
If you remember, Parker has been outed as Spidey and framed for murder so he is on the run.
Strange can find him an alternate Earth, one where he doesn’t exist yet, nor do the Avengers or heroes in general, and he can go be that world’s hero.
What Strange doesn’t know is that Symbiotes live on this Earth, leading to Spider-Man and Venom crossing paths.
While this is much more a pipe dream than a possibility, it is well thought out and offers an ‘out’ for both companies to save what has already been built. Only time will tell exactly how this split will end, but at least an option is out there to make said split work for both parties. -/TISG